Work in the last year, or what have you been doing with your retirement Nataliia
Most recent work
Silver Brooch for Antoni 2017
Court Baroness for Zsuzy
Golden Rapier for Lucien de Wyntere
Edward, and Thyra by the good Grace of the East, defenders of the realm, to all people to whome these presents shall come, greeting:
Knowe yee that of our especial grace, certaine science, and meere motion, we haue given, and by these presents for us, our heires and successors, for great skill and willingness to defend our selues from harm, we giue to our trustie and welbeloued seruant as our will and pleasure is, and wee do hereby declare that Lucien de Wyntere, be inducted into the Order of the Golden Rapier. In witness whereof, we haue caused these our letters to be made and Witnesse our selues, at Birka, the 24th. day of January, in the nine and fortieth yeere of our Society.
Wording based on the Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh: 1584
Wording, Calligraphy and illumination by Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova
Illumination based on the Sforza Black Hours, by Master of Anthony of Burgundy, 15th Century, illumination on parchment.
Period pigments and mosaic gold used in the making of this scroll, do not lick or eat.
Edward, and Thyra by the good Grace of the East, defenders of the realm, to all people to whome these presents shall come, greeting:
Knowe yee that of our especial grace, certaine science, and meere motion, we haue given, and by these presents for us, our heires and successors, for great skill and willingness to defend our selues from harm, we giue to our trustie and welbeloued seruant as our will and pleasure is, and wee do hereby declare that Lucien de Wyntere, be inducted into the Order of the Golden Rapier. In witness whereof, we haue caused these our letters to be made and Witnesse our selues, at Birka, the 24th. day of January, in the nine and fortieth yeere of our Society.
Wording based on the Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh: 1584
Wording, Calligraphy and illumination by Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova
Illumination based on the Sforza Black Hours, by Master of Anthony of Burgundy, 15th Century, illumination on parchment.
Period pigments and mosaic gold used in the making of this scroll, do not lick or eat.
Vicountess Uta, 2012, The book project
Left: Viscount Ajaz, 2012, calligraphy Eleanor, portrait, me Right: Viscountess Uta, 2012
Below: Viscount Uta, archery, 2012 Mock up for book project and portrait of Ajax and Uta
Below: Viscount Uta, archery, 2012 Mock up for book project and portrait of Ajax and Uta
Augmentation for D. Sebastian 2010 based on Durer
Golden Rapier for Diego, 2010, based on woodcuts of Durer, calligraphy by Eleanor
King's and Queen's Champions of Arms, Kenric andMarcus, 2010
Wide Variety of scrolls in chronological order
Silver Tyger for Vasia 2017
Order of the Golden Rapier for Guthfrith Yrlingson, presented at GNEW in 2016 and small slide show that needs work
Court Baron for Malocchio in 2016 done with two days notice.
Order of Defense Scroll for Master Orlando Sforza, July, 2016.
Master of Defense scroll for Donovan Shinnock, May, 2015
Pelican Scroll for Malcolm Bowman, given in February, of 2015. Period pigments plus Windsor Newton goauche on black paper.
AoA for Markus de Yaeger, given at Coronation, April, 2015. Combination of Windsor Newton paints and period pigments, Higgins eternal ink.
Maunche for Dosalena Sofia della Mirandola
To Our most excellent lady Dosalena Sofia della Mirandola, Edward, illustrious King of the East, and Thyra, the Queen, send greetings to our most devoted servant. It is written in the book of Wisdom: "As the sun rising in the heights of the world, so the beauty of a good art from a noble woman is a great ornament in the house of the East." But the sun rising dispels the horror of darkness from the world, brings in the happy softness of light, drives away nocturnal fears and turbulence, bestows security and tranquility, and to encompass many things in a brief word, a touch of the pen, the warmth of the paint upon parchment, whatever grows naturally in this visible world, thrives and flourishes, naturally, from the vital warming of the rays of the rising sun in the world. It is fitting, therefore that the beauty and elegance of your works given most freely, with kindness, goodness, and virtue in the adornment of our Kingdom, should have similar effects to the rising sun. By opposing the horror of errors and supplying truth with your quill, brush and paint, so the kingdom may enjoy the desired tranquility of peace for all the living, providing most prudently for them to grow and thrive and flourish to completion. Our beloved clerk, the bearer of the presents, could better reveal to you, if it please you, orally of our true love and admiration. Now is the place and time for your beautiful works, the quality of your teaching and your commitment to great art, and thus to disclose its brilliance to all and sundry. Therefore, we shall and do by these present letters decree, enact and ordain that you be and hereby are inducted and accepted into the Order of the Maunche on this seventeenth day of January, anno societatus forty-nine, at our Twelfth Night in Our Barony of Carillion. Done this day with our hand and seal. Calligraphy, illumination, words by Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova Research: Wording Based on a letter from Robert Grosseteste to Eleanor of Provence, approximately 1244. Illumination based on the Prayer Roll for Queen Margaret of Anjou 1445. July, 2013, Silver Crescent Scroll.
June, 2013 Laurel Scroll
Illumination by me, calligraphy by Eleanor 2013
Silver Crescent, June, 2013
November, 2013 Maunche
King's Order of Excellence, February, 2014, calligraphy Eleanor Catlyng
Cadel for AoA, 2014
Golden Rapier, August, 2014, calligraphy Eleanor Catlyng
Silver Crescent for Christoffel d'Allaines-le-Comte called Christoffel d'Allaines-sur-Comte, November 22, 2014.
Viceregal scroll, calligraphy Eva, illumination me, 2011
Backlog Maunche scroll, 2013, calligraphy by Eleanor Catlyng
Award of Arms, March, 2014
Silver Rapier, August, 2014, calligraphy Cezilia Rapoza
King's Cypher, September, 2014, calligraphy Leonette d'Angley
Golden Rapier for John Radburne, 2011
Anastasiia's Silver Rapier 2012